Olympic Rings from the Air: Adventure-a-Day #17

It was hard to spot the right place at the right time, but I managed to get a quick snapshot of the floral Olympic rings.

green park seen from the air, mainly trees but the iconic Palm House of Kew Gardens is recognizable

Kew Gardens in London seen from the air (Photo credit Jill Browne) Click to enlarge the picture.

When flying into London, I strained to find a landmark I could navigate from. It’s easy to spot Tower Bridge but after you get away from the city centre, things get a lot harder.

I was thrilled to recognize the Palm House of Kew Gardens, and while the whole thing was gone from view in an instant, I did get this picture. The Palm House is in the centre, the one with the pond in front.

The building of interest today isn’t the Palm House but the Orangery. To find it, look for a small rectangular white building above and to the left of the Palm House.

The next picture zooms in on the Orangery and the adjacent lawn.

a white building on a green lawn with many trees and barely visible the coloured Olympic rings set out in flowers

The Olympic rings set out in flowers at Kew Gardens
(Photo credit Jill Browne)

I know it’s difficult to make them out, but if you look hard, you can see a bit of red and a bit of yellow on the lawn. These are the most visible of the five linked Olympic rings, planted in the spring of 2012 to celebrate the Games. Kew Gardens is on the flight path to Heathrow, and these rings were set out so visitors would see them from the air.

Ta Da!



This is my standard form of disclosure that I am retroactively adding to all blog posts done before April 1, 2018, and will add to all new posts.

1. Is this experience open to the public?


2. Who paid the cost of me doing this?

I did.

3. Did I get any compensation or special consideration for writing this blog post?


4. Would I be as positive about this place if I had gone as a regular visitor?

Yes. I did go as a regular visitor.


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  • Reply
    September 17, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    Great Pics, and interesting travels.

    • Reply
      September 19, 2012 at 1:46 pm

      Thanks! I am trying to put more pics online. Hope you’ll enjoy them xxox

  • Reply
    Susan Wright
    September 18, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    Wow! The Olympic Rings–very nice.
    Your photographic agility while on an airplane entering its final descent–priceless!

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