MOTRLT is a travel blog. It’s about adventure without risking life and limb.

MOTRLT is pronounced “motor light”. It stands for Middle Of The Road Less Travelled.

Thank you for reading. My name is Jill Browne and this is my blog.

I’m a Canadian Baby Boomer living in the suburbs of Calgary, a city near the Rocky Mountains.

I’m married to a geologist. He’s not always with me. I travel alone a lot.

When we do travel together, my husband carries all the gear because he is very fit and I’m not. He also plans great geology field trips for the two of us.

I, on the other hand, love nature and the outdoors but I also am extremely fond of wandering around London, England*. I don’t like hot weather so you won’t find me at an all-inclusive beach resort lounging by the pool. Given the choice, I look for good hiking and interesting cities.

Outside the UK, I’ve got a thing for the Nordic countries and those intriguing islands of the North Atlantic.

My last humongous trip was to New Zealand, with the geologist, and I’d go back there in a heartbeat.

My blog is mainly here to entertain you and to give you my impression about places I’ve been and sometimes just stuff I’ve done around town. I rarely do reviews of hotels, restaurants, or shows, because by the time you see my review, the quality of service, the menu, and the theatre program will have changed. However, when something really impresses me I will write about it if I think your experience can be just as good as mine. We may not eat the same thing but we’ll both have a great meal, for example.

I like to tell you what a place was like for me, and hope that when you read it, you’ll feel like you’ve had a good armchair travel experience, or you’ve learned something, or you’ve decided to cancel all your travel plans for Giant Malls and Shopping Centres of the World and instead to just wander around. Works for me.

I truly am thrilled you’re here. Thank you!

I would love to send you updates whenever I put a new post up. I do this by email and that is all I use your email address for.

There’s a box for subscribing on the right hand side. You can of course unsubscribe any time.

Happy travels to us all, whatever that might mean.
